Cal APA 2014 Annual Conference, JCHESS session

Cal APA Annual Confernece 2014 session "When Property Values Attack: A Planning Tool for Combating the Loss of Intangible Heritage". Explores the Japantown Cultural Heritage and Economic Sustainability Strategy (JCHESS), which came out of a collaborative effort among San Francisco’s Japantown community, the City of San Francisco and local non-profits. JCHESS outlines strategies for preserving and enhancing Japantown’s cultural heritage and all that makes Japantown unique. The session panelists include Ruth Todd and Christina Dikas (Page & Turnbull), Shelley Caltagirone (San Francisco Planning Department), Desiree Smith (of San Francisco Heritage), and Libby Seifel, who all contributed to JCHESS. Session examines how elements of Japantown’s heritage were documented and contributed to the development of an economic incentives toolkit to help identify, prioritize, and incentivize the preservation of cultural and social heritage.
Category: Redevelopment
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Created Date: 10-15-2014